Sunday, April 30, 2006

"Why didn't the bells toll for them"

I am very tired of the long journey to India and seek solace at the New Delhi airport. I look up to see uniformed commandos in camouflage uniforms assembling to board a plane, most probably for an excercise somewhere.
I am proud of them, not because they show "patriotism" in battles with another small country but because they bear and have borne the brunt of all political misadventures over the years. I think of one great misadventure in an island, ordered by a primeminister who was a commercial pilot and became primeminister only because he was son of a slain prime minister and who was ill-advised by people who did not understand.
People here, who claim to be this land's own (sons of the soil syndrome) showed their wrath against these uniformed cadres who went there at the behest of the genius prime-minister by not welcoming them back home. Agreed, it is their policy to not support people who went to fight against their "brothers". But now and even then, it is the same sons-of the soil who align themselves with the party that sent these uniforms.
The uniforms have shown no grudge, not that they have a choice, they go about doing what is required of them despite the fact that the bells didn't toll for them.
The bells will toll for the "sons-of-the-soil".


ArunGanga said...

beautifully written. well thought out but I would think the selfishness of the political head could be more harshly potrayed rather than a passing statement. I hope many like you echo your opinions to make the so called heads see sense

Anonymous said...

long time no see?

Srivattu said...

I very rarely visit my own blogsite!

Anonymous said...

I think you should blog about your experiences such that it will help future research scholars, Indian as well as Indians aspiring to pursue Ph.D elsewhere.

Srivattu said...

Yes Dr.Katte,
I want to do so too. I want to write about how I enjoy thermodynamics and heat transfer everyday in my life. The fact is, when I begin to write, I feel like a very small drop in a big ocean that I stop writing. But, I think I will start writing about my research experiences soon. I just have that initial stumbling block!
Thank you